Click on the common name of the flowering plants for which you wish to explore further.
You can also browse flowering plants by Scientific Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, or Origin.
Click a letter to jump to common names beginning with the chosen letter.
- Aaron's Rod
- Abrams' Alumroot
- Adam's Flannel
- African Desert Banana
- African Lily
- African Rose Mallow
- African Violet
- Aibika
- Air Plant
- Aka 'Aka 'Awa
- Aleppo Avens
- Almond-scented Geranium
- Aloe Vera
- Alpenrose
- Alpine Aster
- Alpine Bea Tree
- Alpine Bog Laurel
- Alpine Clematis
- Alpine Forget-me-not
- Alpine Golden Chain Tree
- Alpine Honeysuckle
- Alpine Laburnum
- Alpine Lady's Mantle
- Alpine Laurel
- Alpine Pink
- Alpine Rose
- Alpine Squill
- Altar Lily
- Aluminium Plant
- Amazon Water Lily
- American Aloe
- American Alumroot
- American Brooklime
- American Jasmine
- American Lily of the Valley
- American Mountain Laurel
- American Solomon's Seal
- American Speedwell
- American Wisteria
- Anderson's Larkspur
- Angel's Tears
- Angel's Trumpet
- Angel Wing Begonia
- Angled Pea
- Angular Solomon's Seal
- Annual Coreopsis
- Annual Fleabane
- Annual Gaillardia
- Annual Gourd
- Annual Nettle
- Annual Vinca
- Anomalous Peony
- Antenna Thelymitra
- Apennines Columbine
- Apple Geranium
- Apple Pelargonium
- Apricot Vine
- Aqua Sapphire Tower
- Arabian Coffee
- Arabica Coffee
- Arctic Rose
- Argentine Giant
- Arizona Barrel Cactus
- Armand Clematis
- Aromatic Solomon's Seal
- Artillery Plant
- Arum Lily
- Asian Bleeding Heart
- Asian Lily of the Valley
- Asiatic Lily
- Asiatic Pot Lily
- Auricula
- Auricula Primrose
- Australian Blackwood
- Australian Golden Wattle
- Austrian Clematis
- Autumn Crocus
- Autumn Pineapple Flower
- Autumn Pineapple Lily
- Azorean Forget-me-not
- Azorean Mouse Ear
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- Bailey's Blue Poppy
- Baja Fairy Duster
- Banana Shrub
- Barbados Aloe
- Barbaricina Columbine
- Barbey's Larkspur
- Baseball
- Baseball Plant
- Basketball
- Basket Plant
- Basket Vine
- Bastard Lemonwood
- Beach Aster
- Bean Tree
- Bear's Ear
- Bear's Foot
- Beard-Lip Beardtongue
- Beard-Lip Penstemon
- Bee Bread
- Bee Orchid
- Bee Plant
- Begonia Dragon Wing
- Belgium Endive
- Bell Orchid
- Bell Tree Dahlia
- Bengal Clockvine
- Bengal Trumpet
- Bertoloni's Bee Orchid
- Bertoloni Columbine
- Biblical Mint
- Big Quaking Grass
- Bird Berry
- Bird of Paradise
- Bird of Paradise Bush
- Bird of Paradise Flower
- Bitter Aloe
- Bitter Root
- Bitter Snake Gourd
- Black-eyed Susan
- Black-eyed Susan Vine
- Black Acacia
- Black Aeonium
- Black Arum
- Black Beauty
- Black Bird Berry
- Black Calla
- Black Calla Lily
- Black Caraway
- Black Cumin
- Black Eyed Susan
- Black Flag
- Black Hellebore
- Black Helleborus
- Black Hollyhock
- Black Lily Magnolia
- Black Mamba Begonia
- Black Peppermint
- Black Rose
- Black Sampson
- Black Sampson Echinacea
- Black Samson
- Black Susans
- Black Tree Aeonium
- Black Wattle
- Blackwood Acacia
- Blanket Flower
- Bleeding Heart
- Blistered Massonia
- Blood Flower
- Blousuikerbos
- Blowfly Grass
- Blue-berried Honeysuckle
- Blue-fruited Barringtonia
- Blue-Grey Hellebore
- Blue Alpine Daisy
- Blue Barrel Cactus
- Blue Columbine
- Blue Crown Passion Flower
- Blue Daisy
- Blue Dandelion
- Blue Egyptian Lotus
- Blue Egyptian Water Lily
- Blue Honeysuckle
- Blue Lotus
- Blue Lupine
- Blue Passion Flower
- Blue Poppy
- Blue Puya
- Blue Sailors
- Blue Sky Flower
- Blue Spurge
- Blue Star Water Lily
- Blue Thunbergia
- Blue Trumpetvine
- Blue Water Lily
- Blue Wattle
- Blue Weed
- Blunt-Fruited Water-Starwort
- Blunt-toothed Blanketflower
- Blushing Bride
- Bog Arum
- Bog Laurel
- Bolivian Fuchsia
- Boneset
- Borage
- Border Carnation
- Boslelie
- Botanical Crocus
- Botany Bay Spinach
- Bower Spinach
- Brazilian Bell Flower
- Breadseed Poppy
- Briar Bush
- Bridal Bouquet
- Brilliant Fuchsia
- Bristly Hollyhock
- Bristly Rose
- Broad-Leav'd Kalmia
- Broad-Leaved Glaucous Spurge
- Broadleaved Lavender
- Brook Mint
- Brook Thistle
- Brown's Peony
- Brown-stalked Magnolia
- Brown Betty
- Brown Eyed Susan
- Brown Indian Hemp
- Bulbous Comfrey
- Bull Bay
- Bullen's Dendrobium
- Bullock's Beard
- Bullock's Eye
- Bull Thistle
- Bunk
- Bureau Rhododendron
- Burn Aloe
- Burning Nettle
- Burro's Tail
- Bush's Purple Coneflower
- Bush Althea
- Bush Lily
- Bush Morning Glory
- Bush Roselle
- Bush Slipperwort
- Bush Sorrel
- Bushy Seedbox
- Bushy Waterprimrose
- Butterfly Flower
- Butterfly Weed
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- Cabbage Thistle
- Calico Bush
- California Coneflower
- California Fairy Duster
- California Golden Violet
- California Sunflower
- California Thistle
- Calla Lily
- Calliopsis
- Camellia
- Canada Goldenrod
- Canada Thistle
- Canadian Goldenrod
- Canadian Thistle
- Candelilla
- Candy Barrel Cactus
- Candy Cactus
- Candy Cane Oxalis
- Candy Cane Sorrel
- Candy Corn Plant
- Cane Begonia
- Cape Clivia
- Cape York Vanda
- Capon's Feather
- Cardinal Airplant
- Cardinal Climber
- Cardinal Creeper
- Cardinal Vine
- Caribbean Jewels
- Carnation
- Cascading Geranium
- Cashmere Sage
- Cassie
- Cassie Flower
- Cassowary Pine
- Caterpillar Tree
- Catesby's Lily
- Celandine
- Century Plant
- Chamomile
- Champak
- Chandelier Plant
- Channel Islands Coral Bells
- Chase-Devil
- Checker Lily
- Chempaka
- Chequered Daffodil
- Chess Flower
- Chichinga
- Chicory
- Chilean Avens
- Chilean Puya
- Chinaman's Breeches
- China Pine
- China Rose
- Chinese Aloe
- Chinese Cucumber
- Chinese Evergreen Magnolia
- Chinese Hibiscus
- Chinese Kidney Bean
- Chinese Lantern
- Chinese Lantern Lily
- Chinese Snake Gourd
- Chinese Trumpet Creeper
- Chinese Trumpet Vine
- Chinese Tulip Tree
- Chinese Wisteria
- Chocolate Lily
- Chocolate Vine
- Christmas Bells
- Christmas Kalanchoe
- Christmas Rose
- Christ Plant
- Christ Thorns
- Cliff Maids
- Climbing Alstroemeria
- Climbing Hydrangea
- Climbing Lily
- Clivia Lily
- Clockvine
- Clove Pink
- Club Gourd
- Clustered Wild Pine
- Coastal Plain Joe-Pye Weed
- Cobweb House-Leek
- Cobweb Houseleek
- Cockspur Coral Tree
- Coffee Shrub of Arabia
- Coffeeweed
- Colorado Blue Columbine
- Colorado Columbine
- Columbine
- Comb Flower
- Come-and-Cuddle-Me
- Comfrey
- Common Acacia
- Common Arum Lily
- Common Asphodel
- Common Avens
- Common Blanket Flower
- Common Bleeding Heart
- Common Borage
- Common Buttercup
- Common Chamomile
- Common Chicory
- Common Columbine
- Common Comfrey
- Common Cowslip
- Common Dandelion
- Common Frangipani
- Common Gaillardia
- Common Grape Vine
- Common Gypsyweed
- Common Henbit
- Common Hollyhock
- Common Honeysuckle
- Common Houseleek
- Common Jasmine
- Common Laburnum
- Common Lavender
- Common Marigold
- Common Milkweed
- Common Mint
- Common Mullein
- Common Nasturtium
- Common Nettle
- Common Passion Flower
- Common Poppy
- Common Primrose
- Common Quaking Grass
- Common Sensitive Plant
- Common Snapdragon
- Common Snowdrop
- Common Solomon's Seal
- Common Speedwell
- Common St. John's Wort
- Common Thistle
- Common Wild Pine
- Common Wood Sorrel
- Common Yarrow
- Compass Barrel
- Consound
- Cook's Cabbage
- Cooktown Orchid
- Cool Tankard
- Cooper's Hardy Ice Plant
- Cooper's Ice Plant
- Coppertone Stonecrop
- Coral Begonia
- Coral Bells
- Cornbeef Wood
- Corned-beef Wood
- Cornflower
- Corn Mint
- Corn Poppy
- Corn Rose
- Corn Thistle
- Corpse Flower
- Corsican Hellebore
- Cotton Bush
- Cowflops
- Cow Itch Vine
- Cow Quake
- Cowslip
- Cowslip 'Sunset Shades'
- Cowslip Primrose
- Cranberry Hibiscus
- Crane Flower
- Creeping Lily
- Creeping Spurge
- Creeping Thistle
- Creeping Water Primrose
- Crimean Snowdrop
- Crimson Glory Vine
- Crown Imperial
- Crown of Thorns
- Cuban Lily
- Cuckoo Bread
- Cultivated Comfrey
- Cultivated Endive
- Culver Keys
- Cupido Peace Lily
- Curly Mint
- Curry Bush
- Cursed Thistle
- Custard Orchid
- Cypress Vine
- Cypressvine Morning Glory
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- Daisy Fleabane
- Dandelion
- Darwin's Slipper
- Darwin's Slipper Flower
- David's Harp
- Dead Finish
- Deam's Coneflower
- Deccan Hemp
- Delavay's Magnolia
- Deptford Pink
- Desert Bird of Paradise
- Desert Rose
- Devil's Beard
- Devil's Head
- Devil's Nettle
- Devil's Pincushion
- Devil-in-the-bush
- Didder
- Disc Mayweed
- Dithering Grass
- Divine-Flower
- Dodder
- Dodder Grass
- Doddering Dillies
- Doddle Grass
- Dog Nettle
- Dollar Plant
- Donkey's Tail
- Donkey Tail
- Donkey Tail Spurge
- Dormilones
- Downs Mimosa
- Downy Jasmine
- Downy Thorn Apple
- Dragon Tree Agave
- Drooping Clivia
- Drooping Tulip
- Duck Orchid
- Dungwort
- Dutch Crocus
- Dutchman's Breeches
- Dutch Yellow Crocus
- Dwarf Asiatic Lily
- Dwarf Breadseed Poppy
- Dwarf Chempaka
- Dwarf Chicory
- Dwarf Ear-leaved Tickseed
- Dwarf Lobed Tickseed
- Dwarf Mouse-ear Tickseed
- Dwarf Nettle
- Dwarf Orange Ginger
- Dwarf Thistle
- Dwarf White Water Lily
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- Ear-leaved Tickseed
- Early Cream Honeysuckle
- Early Crocus
- Earthquakes
- Earwort
- Easter Lily
- Eastern Daisy Fleabane
- Eastern Purple Coneflower
- East Indies Aster
- Echinacea
- Edible Honeysuckle
- Eglantine
- Eglantine Rose
- Egyptian Lily
- Egyptian Lotus
- Egyptian Water-Lily
- Egyptian White Water-Lily
- Elephant's Trunk
- Ellington Curse
- Elliott's Calla
- Elwes's Snowdrop
- Endive
- English Lavender
- English Marigold
- English Primrose
- English Stinging Nettle
- Erect Tillandsia
- Eschscholtz's Buttercup
- Eurasian Solomon's Seal
- European Columbine
- European Crowfoot
- European Field Pansy
- European Goldenrod
- European Grape
- European Honeysuckle
- European Lily of the Valley
- European Michaelmas Daisy
- European Nettle
- European White Water Lily
- European Wild Pansy
- European Wood Sorrel
- Evergreen Clematis
- Everlasting Love
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- False Chamomile
- False Loosestrife
- False Mesquite
- False Roselle
- False Shamrock
- Farnese Wattle
- Fennel Flower
- Fern-Leaf Yarrow
- Fern-leaved Begonia
- Fiddle Leaf Plumeria
- Field Forget-me-not
- Field Marigold
- Field Mint
- Field Pansy
- Field Poppy
- Field Thistle
- Findern Flower
- Fire Lily
- Fire Wheel
- First Aid Plant
- Fish-killer Tree
- Fish-poison Tree
- Fish-poison Wood
- Fishhook Barrel Cactus
- Fishhook Cactus
- Fisiulera
- Five-leaf Akebia
- Five-leaf Chocolate Vine
- Flame Bush
- Flame Lily
- Flaming Katy
- Flanders Poppy
- Flat-flowered Aloe
- Flat Top Acacia
- Floating Primrose-willow
- Florist Kalanchoe
- Flowering Maple
- Flowering Peperomia
- Flower Lips
- Flower of Hope
- Flying Duck Orchid
- Forest Jasmine
- Forest Pineapple Flower
- Forest Primrose
- Foxglove Beardtongue
- Foxglove Penstemon
- Fox Tail
- Fox Tail Agave
- Fragrant Acacia
- Fragrant Granadilla
- Fragrant Mimosa
- Frangipani
- Franz Kafka Dahlia
- Freshwater Mangrove
- Friendship Tree
- Fritillary
- Frog's Pulpit
- Frog Cup
- Fuchsia Begonia
- Fuet
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- Garden Dahlia
- Garden Forget-Me-Not
- Garden Lady's Mantle
- Garden Lavender
- Garden Marigold
- Garden Nasturtium
- Garden Snapdragon
- Garden Tickseed
- German Chamomile
- German Empress
- Giant Airplant
- Giant Amazon Water Lily
- Giant Buttercup
- Giant Cactus
- Giant Crocus
- Giant Dahlia
- Giant Empress
- Giant False Sensitive Plant
- Giant Krubi
- Giant Nettle
- Giant Orchid
- Giant Protea
- Giant Scilla
- Giant Sensitive Plant
- Giant Snowdrop
- Giant Squill
- Giant Water Lily
- Giant White Bird of Paradise
- Gilly-Flower
- Ginger Flower
- Gingham
- Glaucous Barrel Cactus
- Gloriosa Daisy
- Gloriosa Lily
- Glory Lily
- Goat-leaf Honeysuckle
- Goat Honeysuckle
- Goatweed
- Golden-Beard Penstemon
- Golden-leaved Jerusalem Sage
- Golden and Silver Honeysuckle
- Golden Arum Lily
- Golden Ball
- Golden Ball Cactus
- Golden Barrel
- Golden Barrel Cactus
- Golden Bells
- Golden Butterflyweed
- Golden Calla
- Golden Calla Lily
- Golden Camellia
- Golden Chain
- Golden Chain Tree
- Golden Coneflower
- Golden Jerusalem
- Golden Lily of the Incas
- Golden Lily of the Valley
- Golden Nugget
- Golden Rain
- Goldenrod
- Golden Tickseed
- Golden Wattle
- Goldenwave
- Goldfish Plant
- Goldsturm Black-eyed Susan
- Golf Ball
- Gooseneck Succulent
- Gordaldo
- Grandpas Beard
- Granny's Bonnet
- Granny's Nightcap
- Grannyvine
- Grape Vine
- Gravel Root
- Great Blanket Flower
- Great Celandine
- Greater Celandine
- Greater Henbit
- Greater Quaking Grass
- Greater Snowdrop
- Great Frangipanni
- Great Mullein
- Great Quaking Grass
- Great Solomon's Seal
- Grecian Rose
- Green Snowdrop
- Green Stem Joe Pye Weed
- Green Thistle
- Greentip Forest Lily
- Greentip Kaffir Lily
- Greentip Lily
- Gudda Bean
- Guinea Flower
- Guinea Hen Flower
- Gypsyweed
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- Hairy Peppermint
- Hairy Psychotria
- Hammer Leaf Frangipani
- Hanging Geranium
- Hard Thistle
- Hardy Fuchsia
- Hardy Ice Plant
- Hardy Lipstick Plant
- Hardy Passion Flower
- Hardy Purple Ice Plant
- Hardy Yellow Ice Plant
- Haskap Berry
- Hawaiian hibiscus
- Healing Blade
- Healingherb
- Heart's Delight
- Heart's Ease
- Heartsease
- Heath Speedwell
- Hedgehog Coneflower
- Hen and Chickens
- Henbit Dead-nettle
- Hendibeh
- Hens and Chicks
- Herbaceous Peony
- Hibiscus Manihot
- Himalayan Blue Poppy
- Himalayan Poppy
- Hollow-stemmed Asphodel
- Hollow Joe-Pye Weed
- Holly-leaf Begonia
- Hollyhock
- Homewort
- Honeyberry
- Honeypot
- Honeysuckle
- Hong Kong Camellia
- Hooded-Leaf Pelargonium
- Hooker's Lips
- Horse's Tail
- Horse Crippler
- Horse Crippler Cactus
- Horse Mint
- Horseweed
- Hot Lips
- Hot Lips Plants
- Houseleek
- Houseleek Tree
- Huisache
- Hummingbird Fuchsia
- Hummingbird Vine
- Hungarian Chamomile
- Hyacinth Bluebell
- Hyacinth of Peru
- Hyacinth Squill
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- Ice Plant
- Imbroke
- Impala Lily
- Imperial Dahlia
- Indian Aloe
- Indian Apple
- Indian Beet
- Indian Blanket
- Indian Blanket Flower
- Indian Coral Tree
- Indian Cress
- Indian Feather
- Indian Head
- Indian Head Ginger
- Indian Jasmine
- Indian Oak
- Indian Oak Tree
- Indian Putat
- Indonesian Tall Ginger
- Irish Rose
- Irish Shamrock
- Ironwood
- Island Alum Root
- Italian Arum
- Italian Aster
- Italian Honeysuckle
- Italian Lords and Ladies
- Italian Starwort
- Italian Woodbine
- Itchy Tree
- Ivory Towers
- Ivy-leaf Geranium
- Ivy-leaved Geranium
- Ivy Geranium
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- Jack-in-the-green
- Jack-Jump-Up-and-Kiss-Me
- Jackman's Clematis
- Jade Plant
- Jade Tree
- Jane Magnolia
- Japanese Andromeda
- Japanese Camellia
- Japanese Climbing Hydrangea
- Japanese Honeysuckle
- Japanese Lily
- Japanese Lily of the Valley
- Japanese Pieris
- Japanese Wisteria
- Jasmine
- Java Jute
- Jerusalem Sage
- Jessamine
- Jiggle Joggles
- Jill of the Rocks
- Jockey Grass
- Joe Pye
- Joe Pyeweed
- Johnny Jump Up
- Jonquil
- Jove's Beard
- Jupiter's Beard
- Jupiter's Eye
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- Laburnum
- Lace Aloe
- Ladder-to-heaven
- Ladies' Fingers
- Lady's Hair
- Lady's Mantle
- Lady's Purse
- Lady's Slipper
- Lady in the Bath
- Lady Tulip
- Lamb's Tail
- Lance-leaf Periwinkle
- Lanceleaf Blanketflower
- Large Duck Orchid
- Large Quaking Grass
- Larger Caleana
- Late Goldenrod
- Lavender
- Lazarus Bell
- Leavenworth's Tickseed
- Lei Flower
- Lemon-colored Natal Lily
- Lemon Bush
- Lemon Orchid
- Lemon Scented Sun Orchid
- Lenten Rose
- Lenten Tree
- Lent Lily
- Leopard Lily
- Leper Lily
- Lettuce from Hell Thistle
- Lightwood
- Lilac Tommy
- Lily-of-the-valley Bush
- Lily Among Thorns
- Lily Magnolia
- Lily of the Incas
- Lily of the Nile
- Lily of the Valley
- Lindheimer's Beeblossom
- Lindheimer's Clockweed
- Lion's-Tooth
- Lion's Tail
- Lipstick Plant
- Liveforever
- Livid Lenten Rose
- Living Baseball
- Lobed Tickseed
- Locks and Keys
- Loddiges' Dendrobium
- Long-leaved Mint
- Long-petalled Lewisia
- Love-in-a-mist
- Love-in-Idleness
- Love Plant
- Lucky Plant
- Lyre Flower
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- Madagascar Periwinkle
- Madagascar Widow's Thrill
- Madonna Lily
- Magnus Coneflower
- Maguey
- Maidenhair Grass
- Majorcan Hellebore
- Majorca St. John's Wort
- Malay Rose
- Manel Flower
- Mango Pine
- Marigold
- Maroon Blanketflower
- Maroon Mallow
- Marsh Calla
- Marsh Milkweed
- Marta's Gramamatophyllum
- Martagon Lily
- Mary's Tears
- Matricaria
- Matrix Asiatic Lily
- May Bells
- May Lily
- Maypop
- Maypop Passion Flower
- Meadow Buttercup
- Meadow Rose
- Medicinal Aloe
- Medicine Plant
- Mescal Pelon
- Metallica Begonia
- Mexican Butterfly Weed
- Mexican Gem
- Mexican Morning Glory
- Mexican Snow Ball
- Mexican Snowball
- Michael's Flower
- Michailovski Fritillary
- Mick Jagger's Lips
- Milfoil
- Milk Tree
- Mimosa
- Mimosa Bush
- Mimosa Wattle
- Miniature Pansy
- Miracle Plant
- Mirror Orchid
- Mock Azalea
- Modest Lily
- Money Plant
- Money Tree
- Monks Cress
- Montpellier Thistle
- Moonflower
- Moon Orchid
- Moon Vine
- Morgan's Beauty
- Morning Glory
- Morning Glory Tree
- Mosaic Flower
- Mosaic Plant
- Mother-in-Law's-Cushion
- Mother-in-Law's-Seat
- Mother of Millions
- Mother of Thousands
- Moth Orchid
- Mountain Aloe
- Mountain Andromeda
- Mountain Buttercup
- Mountain Coffee
- Mountain Cowslip
- Mountain Fetterbush
- Mountain Laurel
- Mountain Lily
- Mountain Pieris
- Mountain Strelitzia
- Mount Olympus St. John's Wort
- Mouse-ear Tickseed
- Mudgerabah
- Mulan Magnolia
- Myrtle Euphorbia
- Myrtle Spurge
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- Narcissus
- Nargis
- Narrow-Leaf-Coneflower
- Narrow-Leaf Echinacea
- Narrow-leafed Bird of Paradise
- Narrow-Leaf Purple Coneflower
- Narrow-leaved Lavender
- Narrow-Leaved Purple Coneflower
- Narrowleaf Sunflower
- Nasturtium
- Natal Lily
- Natal Strelitzia
- Natal Wild Banana
- Native Peony
- Native Rosella
- Native Strap Orchid
- Needle Bush
- Nepalese Autumn Poppy
- Nettle
- New Zealand Christmas Bell
- New Zealand Spinach
- Nigella
- Nila Grass
- Nipplewort
- Noble Dendrobium
- Noo'ah Loof
- Northern Queen of Sheba
- Nosebleed
- Nosebleed Plant
- Nosegay Tree
- Nussbaumer's Sedum
- Nutmeg Flower
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- Oak-leaf Geranium
- Oak-leaf Pelargonium
- Oak-leaved Geranium
- Oak Geranium
- Ochro
- Okra
- Okro
- Old Maid's Bonnets
- Old Man's Pepper
- Old Man's Whiskers
- Old Man and Woman
- One-flowered Treasure Flower
- Ongaonga
- Onion-leafed Asphodel
- Onionweed
- Opium Poppy
- Opopanax
- Orange Clivia
- Orange Coneflower
- Orange Strelitzia
- Orange Tulip Ginger
- Oriental Lily
- Ornamental Pineapple
- Our Lady's Tears
- Oxlip
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- Pacific Bleeding Heart
- Padwal
- Pagoda Tree
- Painted Indian Mallow
- Painted Tickseed
- Pale Echinacea
- Pale Purple Coneflower
- Palestine Arum
- Palmer's Penstemon
- Palsywort
- Panicled Hydrangea
- Pansy
- Paphos Dandelion
- Paprika Common Yarrow
- Paprika Yarrow
- Paradise Caesalpinia
- Paradise Poinciana
- Parrot Flower
- Parrot Lily
- Passionflower
- Passion Vine
- Passionvine
- Paul's Betony
- Peace Lily
- Peanut Cactus
- Pearl Echeveria
- Pearl Grass
- Peatree
- Peppermint
- Peppermint Pelargonium
- Peppermint Rock Oxalis
- Perennial Coneflower
- Perennial Thistle
- Perfoliate Honeysuckle
- Perfoliate Woodbine
- Perforate St. John's Wort
- Perfumed Wattle
- Periwinkle
- Persian Comfrey
- Persian Lily
- Peruvian Lily
- Peruvian Scilla
- Pheasant's Eye
- Pheasant's Eye Daffodil
- Philippine Wax Flower
- Pineapple
- Pineapple Chamomile
- Pineapple Lily
- Pineapple Weed
- Pine Lily
- Pink Arum
- Pink Arum Lily
- Pink Asphodel
- Pink Bomarea
- Pink Calla
- Pink Calla Lily
- Pink Carpet
- Pink Chicory
- Pink Evening Primrose
- Pink Gaura
- Pink Heaven Oriental Lily
- Pink Joy
- Pink Lily of the Valley
- Pink Mimosa
- Pink Morning Glory
- Pink Powderpuff
- Pinkster Lily
- Pink Tickseed
- Pinwheel Desert Rose
- Plains Coreopsis
- Plantain Lily
- Pleated Snowdrop
- Pleurisy Root
- Plumeria
- Plume Thistle
- Poas Magnolia
- Pocket Book Flower
- Pocketbook Flower
- Pocket Book Plant
- Pocketbook Plant
- Poet's Daffodil
- Poet's Jasmine
- Poet's Narcissus
- Pomegranate
- Pomegranate Tree
- Pompon Dahlia
- Pond Lily Cactus
- Pond Water Crowfoot
- Poor Jan's Leaf
- Poorland Daisy
- Poor Man's Orchid
- Poppy of Troy
- Porcelain Flower
- Porcelain Rose
- Portuguese Lavender
- Portuguese Squill
- Port Wine Magnolia
- Pot Marigold
- Pouch
- Pouch Flower
- Powderpuff Mangrove
- Powder Puff Tree
- Prairie Evening Primrose
- Prairie Rose
- Prairie Smoke
- Prairie Sunflower
- Prickly
- Prickly Blue Poppy
- Pricklyburr
- Prickly Comfrey
- Prickly Mimosa
- Prickly Moses
- Prickly Rose
- Prickly Thistle
- Prickly Wild Rose
- Priest's Hood
- Princess Lily
- Purple Coneflower
- Purple Daisy
- Purple Dragon
- Purple Hellebore
- Purple Ice Plant
- Purple Lily Magnolia
- Purple Magnolia
- Purple Passion
- Purple Passion Flower
- Purple Shamrock
- Purple Thoroughwort
- Putat Kampung
- Pyrenean Fritillary
- Pyrenean Snake's Head
- Pyrenean Thistle
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- Rabbit's Ears
- Rabbit Ears
- Rabbit Eeared Sun Orchid
- Racecourseweed
- Radishroot Woodsorrel
- Ragged Lady
- Ragged Sailors
- Rat Tail Cactus
- Rattlebox
- Rattle Grass
- Rattlesnake Grass
- Rayless Chamomile
- Recurved Thorn Apple
- Red and Blue Water Lily
- Red Beardtongue
- Red Beauty Yarrow
- Red Bugle Vine
- Red Calla
- red calliandra
- Red Dahlia
- Red Fairy Duster
- Red Frangipani
- Red Ginger Lily
- Red Head
- Red Indian Blanket
- Red Jasmine
- Red Leaf Hibiscus
- Red Leaved Hibiscus
- Red Llima
- Red Magnolia
- Red Morning Glory
- Red Paucipan
- Red Penstemon
- Red Pine Lily
- Red Poppy
- Red Powder Puff
- Red Shield Hibiscus
- Red Star
- Red Tower Ginger
- Redvein Abutilon
- Red Vein Chinese Lanterns
- Redvein Flowering Maple
- Red Vein Indian Mallow
- Red Velvet Ginger
- Red Velvet Yarrow
- Red Weed
- Robusta Coffee
- Rock Aster
- Rocky Mountain Columbine
- Roman Coriander
- Roof Foil
- Roof Houseleek
- Rose Evening Primrose
- Roselle
- Rose Mallow
- Rose of China
- Rose of Mexico
- Rose of Sharon
- Rose of Siam
- Rose of Winter
- Rose Ring Blanket Flower
- Rose Ring Gaillardia
- Rosin Rose
- Rosy Evening Primrose
- Rosy Periwinkle
- Rough-leaf Hydrangea
- Rough-leaved Hydrangea
- Rough Comfrey
- Rounded Chamomile
- Royal Red Bugler
- Royal Water Lily
- Ruddles
- Rural Sunflower
- Rush-leaved Strelitzia
- Rush Daffodil
- Rusty-leaved Alpenrose
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- Sacred Blue Lily
- Sacred Datura
- Saffron
- Saffron Crocus
- Sage of the Desert
- Saguaro
- Saguaro Cactus
- Sahuaro
- Sally Wattle
- Samurai Orchid
- Sand-dune Penstemon
- Sand Myrtle
- Sandpaper Wattle
- San Gabriel Alumroot
- Sanguinary
- Santa Cruz Water Lily
- Sasanqua Camellia
- Savila
- Scarlet-Flowered Dahlia
- Scarlet-flowering Bindweed
- Scarlet Avens
- Scarlet Basket Vine
- Scarlet Beeblossom
- Scarlet Begonia
- Scarlet Bugler
- Scarlet Gaura
- Scarlet Milkweed
- Scarlet Star Glory
- Scented Chamomile
- Scented Mayweed
- Scented Solomon's Seal
- Scented Wattle
- Scotch Laburnum
- Scottish Laburnum
- Scottish Marigold
- Scurvy Root
- Sea Anemone Passion Flower
- Seal Flower
- Seaside Daisy
- Seaside Fleabane
- Sea Spider Iris
- Sea Spinach
- Sea Urchin
- Sedum Burrito
- Seedbox
- Sengreen
- Sensitive Grass
- Sensitive Mimosa
- Sensitive Plant
- September Lily
- Serpent Cucumber
- Serpent Gourd
- Setterwort
- Sevenbark
- Shaking Grass
- Shame Bush
- Shame Face
- Shame Lady
- Shame Plant
- Shame Weed
- Sharpleaf Penstemon
- Shaving Brush Tree
- Sheep-eating Plant
- Sheep Laurel
- Shell Grass
- Shelly Grass
- Shirley's Poppy
- Shoe Flower
- Short-sepal Bitter-root
- Short Sepaled Lewisia
- Showy Bleeding Heart
- Showy Lily
- Shrub Althea
- Shrub Begonia
- Shy Plant
- Siamese Lucky Plant
- Siam Rose
- Siberian Squill
- Siberian Thistle
- Silkweed
- Silky Swallow-wort
- Silver Mint
- Silver Rod
- Silver Wattle
- Singapore Frangipani
- Singapore Graveyard Flower
- Singapore Plumeria
- Siskiyou Lewisia
- Skyflower
- Sky Plant
- Skyvine
- Sleepy Plant
- Sliperwort
- Slipper Flower
- Slipperwort
- Slippery-Root
- Small-flowered Thistle
- Small-leaved Barringtonia
- Small Indian Oak
- Small Nettle
- Smooth Hydrangea
- Smooth Penstemon
- Smooth Rose
- Smooth Solomon's Seal
- Snake's Head
- Snake's Head Fritillary
- Snake Gourd
- Snakeroot
- Snake Tomato
- Snapdragon
- Snow Crocus
- Snowdrop
- Snowflower
- Snowpatch Buttercup
- Snow Rose
- Socotran Desert Rose
- Socotran Pomegranate
- Soft Leaved Agave
- Soldier's Woundwort
- Solomon's Lily
- Solomon's Seal
- Southeastern Sunflower
- Southern Magnolia
- Southern Red Lily
- Southwestern Barrel Cactus
- Spanish Love-in-a-mist
- Spanish Moss
- Spathe Flower
- Spearmint
- Spear Thistle
- Species Tree Dahlia
- Speedwell
- Spider Iris
- Spider Web Hens and Chicks
- Spiked Spiralflag Ginger
- Spike Lavender
- Spineless Century Plant
- Spiral Ginger
- Sponge Flower
- Spoonwood
- Spoonwood Tree
- Spotted Dead Nettle
- Spotted Henbit
- Spotted Joe-Pye Weed
- Sprenger's Tulip
- Sprenger Tulip
- Spring Bulbs
- Spring Crocus
- Spring Flowers
- Squaw Claw
- Squirrel Corn
- St. John's Lily
- St. John's Wort
- St. Peter's Keys
- Starfish Lily
- Starflower
- Star Gazer Lily
- Star Glory
- Star Ipomoea
- Star Jasmine
- Star Lotus
- Star Window Plant
- Stemless Thistle
- Stinger Needles
- Stinging Nettle
- Stinking Hellebore
- St Patrick's Cabbage
- Streambank Arum
- Strict Tillandsia
- Striped Lily of the Valley
- Subalpine Buttercup
- Subalpine Larkspur
- Succory
- Sugar Bush
- Sugarbush
- Sugar Cane Orchid
- Sullivant's Coneflower
- Summer Asphodel
- Summer Jasmine
- Sundance
- Sundial Lupine
- Sunflower
- Sunset Hibiscus
- Sunset Muskmallow
- Sunshine Tree
- Swallowwort
- Swamp Bay
- Swamp Bush Lily
- Swamp Clivia
- Swamp Laurel
- Swamp Sunflower
- Swan's Neck
- Sweet-scented Pelargonium
- Sweet Acacia
- Sweet Bay
- Sweet Bay Magnolia
- Sweetberry Honeysuckle
- Sweet Briar
- Sweet Briar Rose
- Sweet Brier
- Sweet False Chamomile
- Sweet Hibiscus
- Sweet Joe Pye Weed
- Sweet Joe Pyeweed
- Sweet Magnolia
- Sweet Pea
- Sweetscented Joe Pie Weed
- Sweet Scent Joe Pyeweed
- Sweet Thorn
- Sweet Wattle
- Sweet William
- Syrian Hibiscus
- Syrian Ketmia
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- Talewort
- Tall Asphodel
- Tall Buttercup
- Tall Goldenrod
- Tall Larkspur
- Talus Slope Penstemon
- Tango Passion Crossover Asiatic Lily
- Tartarian Aster
- Tasmanian Blackwood
- Tatarian Aster
- Tatarian Daisy
- Tatarinow's Aster
- Temple Tree
- Teresita
- Terracotta Common Yarrow
- Terracotta Gazania
- Terracotta Yarrow
- Tetragon
- Tetterwort
- Texas Wisteria
- The Lovely Phalaenopsis
- Thickleaf Aeonium
- Thorny Acacia
- Thousand-Leaf
- Thousand-Seal
- Three-flowered Avens
- Three-leaf Akebia
- Three Faces in a Hood
- Thunder Plant
- Thyme-leaved Speedwell
- Thymeleaf Speedwell
- Thyme Speedwell
- Tibetan Blue Poppy
- Tibetan Poppy
- Tickle-My-Fancy
- Tickseeds
- Tiger's Claw
- Tiger Claw
- Tiger Lily
- Tiger Lotus
- Tiger Orchid
- Tiny Athlete Asiatic Lily
- Tiny Athlete Lily
- Tiny Periwinkle
- Tiny Vinca
- Tipton's Weed
- Tisty-Tosty
- Titan Arum
- To-tsubaki
- Tolguacha
- Tommasini's Crocus
- Torch Ginger
- Torch Lily
- Torch Plant
- Tottergrass
- Touch-me-not
- Trailing Abutilon
- Trailing Ice Plant
- Trailing Lily
- Transvaal Wild Banana
- Treasure Flower
- Tree Aeonium
- Tree Anemone
- Tree Dahlia
- Tree Gloxinia
- Tree Nettle
- Tree Pelargonium
- Tree Rhododendron
- Tropical Hibiscus
- Tropical Milkweed
- Tropical White Morning Glory
- Truckee Lewisia
- True Aloe
- True Chamomile
- True Comfrey
- True Jasmine
- True Lavender
- True Passion Flower
- Trumpet Creeper
- Trumpet Lily
- Trumpet Vine
- Trumpet Weed
- Trumpetweed
- Tufted Ice Plant
- Tulip Magnolia
- Turk's Cap
- Turk's Cap Lily
- Turkish Sage
- Tuscan Crocus
- Two-colored Pineapple Lily
- Two-leaf Squill
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- Valley Mayweed
- Vanilla Orchid
- Variegated Japanese Pieris
- Variegated Lily-of-the-valley Bush
- Variegated Lily of the Valley
- Variegated May Lily
- Variegated Pineapple Flower
- Variegated Pineapple Lily
- Victoria Lily
- Village Oak Geranium
- Vine Alstroemeria
- Viper's Gourd
- Virginian Trumpet Flower
- Virginia Silkweed
- Voodoo Lily
- Voodoo Plant
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- Waboom
- Wagon Tree
- Wag Wantons
- Wand of Heaven
- Warrigal Cabbage
- Warrigal Greens
- Warty St. John's Wort
- Water Arum
- Waterer Laburnum
- Watermelon Begonia
- Watermelon Peperomia
- Water Mint
- Water Platter
- Water Primrose
- Wax Begonia
- Wax Flower
- Wax Plant
- Wax Vine
- Way Thistle
- Welcome-Home-Husband-However-Drunk-You-Be
- Welsh Poppy
- Western Bleeding Heart
- Western Bog Laurel
- Western Laurel
- Western Peony
- Western Swamp Laurel
- White-stem Evening Primrose
- White Akebia
- White Arum Lily
- White Asphodel
- White Avens
- White Bay
- White Bengal Clock Vine
- White Bird of Paradise
- White Bleeding Heart
- White Bolivian Fuchsia
- White Borage
- White Champaca
- White Dandelion
- White Dead Nettle
- White Egyptian Lotus
- White Frangipani
- White Gaura
- White Italian Honeysuckle
- White Jade Orchid Tree
- White Jasmine
- White Lotus
- White Mexican Rose
- White Nenuphar
- White Nettle
- White Peace Lily
- White Peppermint
- White Plumeria
- White Sails
- White Sandalwood
- White Siberian Squill
- White Sky Vine
- Whitest Evening Primrose
- White Strelitzia
- White Swan Coneflower
- White Water-Lily
- White Water Rose
- White Wild Musk Mallow
- Whitish Evening Primrose
- Wild Apricot
- Wild Aster
- Wild Bachelor's Buttons
- Wild Banana
- Wild Bleeding Heart
- Wild Cabbage
- Wild Calla
- Wild Chamomile
- Wild Daffodil
- Wilde Malva
- Wild Endive
- Wild Ginger
- Wild Honeysuckle
- Wild Hydrangea
- Wild Ipecacuanha
- Wild Jonquil
- Wild Lupine
- Wild Mint
- Wild Onion
- Wild Pansy
- Wild Passion Vine
- Wild Perennial Lupine
- Wild Plumeria
- Wild Primrose
- Wild Rose
- Wild Sour
- Wild Strelitzia
- Wild Verbascum
- Wind Orchid
- Wine Grape
- Winged-stem Passion Flower
- Winged Passion Flower
- Winter Jasmine
- Witloof
- Wonderful Wampee' Yarrow
- Wonderful Wampee Common Yarrow
- Woodbine
- Woodcock Bee-orchid
- Woodcock Orchid
- Wood Forget-Me-Not
- Woodland Crocus
- Woodland Forget-Me-Not
- Wood Sorrel
- Wood Squill
- Woody Orchid
- Woolly Lavender
- Woronow's Snowdrop
- Woundwort
- Written Grammatophyllum
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- Yarrow
- Yellow-eyed Lupine
- Yellow Alstroemeria
- Yellow Archangel
- Yellow Avens
- Yellow Bells
- Yellow Bird of Paradise
- Yellow Bush Lily
- Yellow Calla Lily
- Yellow Camellia
- Yellow Clivia
- Yellow Coneflower
- Yellow Crocus
- Yellow Daisy
- Yelloweyes
- Yellow Fritillary
- Yellow Ice Plant
- Yellow Mimosa
- Yellow Missionbells
- Yellow Pansy
- Yellow Poppy
- Yellow Trumpet
- Yunnan Camellia
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