Place the Nematanthus in bright light, but protect it from direct sunlight. Put the plant a few feet away from a sunny window, or place …
Browsing: General Care
Aeschynanthus are perfect as hanging or trailing plants. They require high humidity and warmth throughout the growing season and strong …
Divide the Clivia plant every three to five years. Dig up the plant in the spring, just after it has finished flowering. Dig in a ring …
Abutilon is not an especially difficult plant to grow. During warmer, dry winters, they are sometimes affected by spider mites, and they …
Oxalis can be grown indoors as a houseplant or outdoors in the garden. They from the garden center are generally available in the fall or …
Plumeria care, for the most part, is minimal. While Plumerias don't like wet feet, they should be watered deeply when irrigated and then …
In a moist and cool climate, Bleeding Heart will grow in full sun, but in warmer and drier climates, it requires some shade. Keep plants …
Hibiscus should be moved outside in the summer, then back inside during the winter. Tips for a successful transition include: Trim the …
African Violets will thrive in bright, warm, and humid conditions. Keep water from touching their leaves, or it will leave brown spots …
Fuchsia make excellent houseplants, in part because they are well adapted to growing in shadier conditions. In general, the more heat and …