Pieris japonica 'Variegata' (Variegated Japanese Pieris) is a shrub or a small tree that grows up to 13.1 feet (4 m) tall. Leaves are …
Browsing: Pieris
Pieris is a genus of 7 species of shrubs in the family Ericaceae, native to mountain regions of eastern and southern Asia, eastern North America and Cuba. The genus name derives from Pieria, a place in Greece, according to Greek mythology the home of the Muses.
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Pieris floribunda (Mountain Fetterbush) is a bushy shrub with oval, shiny green leathery leaves typically evergreen but may shed in a …
Pieris japonica (Japanese Pieris) is a shrub or a small tree with simple, alternate leaves on brittle stems. It grows up to 13.1 feet …