Abelmoschus esculentus (Okra) is a perennial, often cultivated as an annual in temperate climates. It grows up to 6.7 feet (2 m) tall …
Browsing: Africa
Pelargonium peltatum (Ivy-leaved Geranium) is a climbing semi-succulent perennial trailing through other trees and shrubs in its habitat …
Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist) is an annual garden plant with alternate pinnately divided thread-like leaves. It grows up to 20 …
Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roselle) is an annual or perennial herb or woody-based subshrub that grows up to 8 feet (2.4 m) tall. Leaves are …
Gazania rigens (Treasure Flower) is a tender perennial that features decumbent stems that spread along the ground. Narrow but variably …
Vachellia karroo (Sweet Thorn) is a shrub or small to medium-sized tree that grows up to 40 feet (12 m) tall. It has a rounded crown …
Primula vulgaris (English Primrose) is a perennial plant with a basal rosette of leaves more-or-less evergreen in favored habitats …
Ophrys apifera (Bee Orchid) is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows up to 20 inches (50 cm) tall. This hardy orchid develops small …
Gloriosa superba is a deciduous summer-growing climber with tuberous roots. The slender stems are produced annually. They are upright to …
Mentha aquatica (Water Mint) is a herbaceous perennial plant that grows up to 35 inches (90 cm) tall. The stems are hairy to almost …