Oenothera albicaulis (Whitest Evening Primrose) is an annual plant with an erect stem that grows up to 1.5 feet (45 cm) tall. Basal leaves…
Browsing: Evening Primrose Family
Ludwigia alternifolia (Seedbox) is a multi-branched yellow-flowered perennial with reddish-tinged stems clad with short-stalked deep green…
Fuchsia boliviana 'Alba' (White Bolivian Fuchsia) is an evergreen shrub with large, hairy, mid-green leaves and a white tube and scarlet…
Fuchsia boliviana (Bolivian Fuchsia) is a medium evergreen shrub with large hairy mid-green leaves and red petioles. It grows up to 13.1…
Oenothera rosea (Rose Evening Primrose) is a well-branched perennial herb with stems that grow up to 16 inches (40 cm) tall. The leaves…
Ludwigia adscendens (Water Primrose) is a perennial floating herb with white spongy buoys. It can float on the water surface and creep…
Fuchsia fulgens (Brilliant Fuchsia) is an erect deciduous shrub with large broadly ovate leaves and pendent terminal racemes of flowers…
Ludwigia peploides (Floating Primrose-willow) is a perennial herb that grows in moist, wet or flooded areas. The stem can creep over 6.7 …
Fuchsia triphylla is a small shrub that grows up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall. Leaves are simple, elliptical, and quite large. The petiole …
Ludwigia sedoides (Mosaic Plant) is a floating leaf marginal aquatic perennial. Red and green diamond-shaped leaves in rounded clusters …