Papaver setigerum (Poppy of Troy) is closely related to and sometimes treated as a sub-species of Papaver somniferum. It is a herbaceous…
Browsing: Poppies
Meconopsis autumnalis (Nepalese Autumn Poppy) is an erect monocarpic herb that grows up to 5.2 feet (1.6 m) tall. Basal leaves are green…
Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman's Breeches) is an easily recognized early spring wildflower with flower stems and basal leaves rising …
Papaver somniferum (Opium Poppy) is an annual herb that grows up to 3.3 feet (1 m) tall. It is strongly glaucous, giving a grayish-green …
Meconopsis aculeata is a biennial or monocarpic plant with a prickly stem that grows up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall. Basal leaves are up to 10 …
Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Valentine' (Bleeding Heart) is a clump-forming herbaceous perennial that grows up to 2.5 feet (0.7 m) tall and …
Dicentra canadensis (Squirrel Corn) is a herbaceous perennial plant with small yellow clustered bulblets looking roughly like kernels of …
Dicentra formosa (Pacific Bleeding Heart) is a wide-spreading rhizomatous perennial with abundant lobed leaves, mid-green above and …
Meconopsis horridula (Prickly Blue Poppy) is a flowering plant with basal leaves arranged in a rosette. The stem and pedicels have straw …
Papaver cambricum (Welsh Poppy) is an attractive perennial plant with numerous silky lemon-yellow flowers. It grows up to 1.5 feet (45 cm) …