Crocus vernus (Dutch Crocus) is a perennial that grows from a bulb or corm and has delicate goblet-shaped flowers with a large range of…
Browsing: Iridaceae
Iridaceae is a family of plants in order Asparagales, taking its name from the Irises, meaning rainbow, referring to its many colors. There are 66 accepted genera with a total of 2244 species worldwide. Members of this family are perennial plants, with a bulb, corm or rhizome. The family name is based on the genus Iris, the largest and best known genus in Europe.
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Ferraria uncinata is a rare stunning plant with blue to violet flowers with brown markings and finely crisped and toothed greenish-yellow…
Crocus flavus (Yellow Crocus) is a dwarf deciduous perennial that grows from a corm, sending up 1 to 4 fragrant pale yellow to deep orange…
Ferraria divaricata is a flowering plant that grows up to 18 inches (45 cm) tall. It develops an aerial stem which is usually extensively…
Crocus etruscus (Tuscan Crocus) is a cormous perennial with flowers appearing before the leaves. It grows up to 3.2 inches (8 cm) tall …
Ferraria ferrariola (Spider Iris) is a rare flowering plant with greenish-white or pale greenish-yellow to greenish-blue flowers with the …
Crocus tommasinianus (Early Crocus) is a cormous perennial with flowers ranging from lilac to deep purple, sometimes paler outside …
Crocus sativus (Saffron Crocus) is a perennial plant that grows up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall. Each corm produces several upright, cup-like …
Ferraria crispa (Starfish Lily) is a small perennial with remarkable velvety-textured flowers with intricately frilled and crisped margins …