Lewisia brachycalyx (Short Sepaled Lewisia) is a deciduous perennial growing from a short thick taproot and caudex unit. It produces a…
Browsing: Montiaceae
Montiaceae are a family of flowering plants, comprising about 14 genera with about 230 known species, ranging from herbaceous plants to shrubs. The family has a cosmopolitan distribution.
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Lewisia rediviva (Bitter Root) is a low-growing perennial plant with a fleshy taproot and a simple or branched base. The flower stems are…
Lewisia longipetala (Truckee Lewisia) is a perennial plant growing from a slender taproot and caudex unit. It produces a basal rosette of …
Lewisia cotyledon (Siskiyou Lewisia) is an evergreen perennial that grows from a thick taproot and caudex unit. It produces a basal …