When it comes to orchids, Phalaenopsis, commonly known as Moth Orchids, are among the easiest to grow. Blooms last for several months, and you can get them to rebloom without much effort. Here are tips on how to get Phalaenopsis to rebloom.
Pay Attention to Watering and Humidity
If you neglect your Phalaenopsis, it will not reward you with blooms. The plants probably grow in a free-draining blend of fir bark, so you regularly need water. Don't let the roots dry out completely between waterings. Most homes are quite dry during the winter, but you can increase the humidity by setting the orchid pots on a tray of pebbles or a special humidity grid. Make sure the pots are not sitting in the water. They should be just above it.
Fertilize Regularly
A fertilizing routine is just as important as a watering routine. Most orchid growers recommend fertilizing with a water-soluble fertilizer formulated for orchids. Mix at the rate recommended on the package.

Make Sure Plants Get Enough Light
When a healthy orchid does not flower, it is usually due to insufficient light. Phalaenopsis thrive in bright light but not direct sun. This means east- or west-facing windows are best. If you can't provide adequate natural light, orchids will thrive under full-spectrum lights.
Provide Cool Nights
Most orchids thrive best when there is a marked drop in temperature at night, usually about 10 to 15 °F (-12 to -9 °C). Phalaenopsis are more forgiving in this respect, but a reluctant plant can usually be coaxed into bloom more easily if it's grown where nights are cool.
Source: gardeners.com
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