Polygonatum curvistylum (Solomon's Seal) is a rare perennial that produces low arching stems, rarely more than 15 inches (37.5 cm) tall …
Browsing: Asparagus Family
Hosta sieboldiana 'Aureo Marginata' is a beautiful large clump-forming herbaceous perennial. Leaves are broad, ovate, and blue-green with…
Eucomis autumnalis 'Alba' is a deciduous summer-growing bulb that grows up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall. The bulbs are oval, up to 4 inches (10…
Massonia pustulata (Blistered Massonia) is a small bulbous perennial with two horizontal opposite leaves and virtually stalkless, white…
Hosta clausa (Plantain Lily) is a medium-sized Hosta that typically grows in a rounded clump up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall and wide. It is…
Hosta sieboldiana var. montana (Plantain Lily) is a herbaceous perennial that forms large vase-shaped clumps of olive-green, broadly-ovate…
Eucomis autumnalis (Autumn Pineapple Lily) is a deciduous summer-growing bulb that produces flowers from mid to late summer. It grows up…
Hosta sieboldiana (Plantain Lily) is a large clump-forming herbaceous perennial with broad, ovate, blue-green leaves with prominent …
Convallaria montana (American Lily of the Valley) is a rhizomatous perennial that grows up to 10 inches (25 cm) tall. It is similar to …
Scilla hyacinthoides (Hyacinth Squill) is a bulb plant that produces clumps of up to 2 inches (5 cm) wide bulbs with 10 to 12 green …