Calceolaria corymbosa (Pocketbook Plant) is a herbaceous perennial that grows up to 2 feet 60 cm) tall. Leaves are grey with a coat of more…
Browsing: Calceolaria
Calceolaria is a genus of plants in the Calceolariaceae family, sometimes classified in Scrophulariaceae by some authors. This genus consists of about 388 species of shrubs, lianas and herbs, and the geographical range extends from Patagonia to central Mexico, with its distribution center in Andean region.
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Calceolaria corymbosa is a herbaceous perennial up to 20 inches (50 cm) tall, with large rosettes of hairy, wrinkled leaves. The flowers…
Calceolaria crenatiflora (Pocket Book Flower) is a tropical plant with perfect bulb-pouched yellow flowers dotted and streaked with maroon …
Calceolaria x herbeohybrida (Lady's Purse) is a group of hybrids that usually grow up to 18 inches (45 cm), sometimes smaller. Leaves are …
Calceolaria crenata is a perennial plant with a branching habit and soft cordate leaves. It grows up to 3.3 feet (1 m) tall. Flowers are …
Calceolaria integrifolia (Lady's Slipper) is a small shrubby plant that grows up to 6 feet (1.8 m) tall. Its leaves are highly veined …
Calceolaria uniflora (Darwin's Slipper) is an evergreen perennial with darkish-green leaves and erect to ascending stems. It has a shallow …