Scientific Name
Veronica officinalis L.
Common Name(s)
Speedwell, Common Speedwell, Gypsyweed, Common Gypsyweed, Heath Speedwell, Upland Speedwell, Paul's Betony
Cardia officinalis, Veronica officinalis var. officinalis, Veronica officinalis f. officinalis
Scientific Classification
Family: Plantaginaceae
Tribe: Veroniceae
Genus: Veronica
Color: Whitish blue
Bloom Time: May to August
Veronica officinalis is an herbaceous perennial with green hairy stems that grow up to 20 inches (50 cm) long. The stems are often prostrate and root at joints. The leaves are simple, opposite, obtuse, oblong, and narrowed at the base.
The flowers are small and irregular, whitish-blue with blue streaks to violet. They are crowded on spike-like racemes from the axils of leaves and appear from May to August.
How to Grow and Care
Speedwell thrives in full sun to partial shade and loamy, sandy, or clay-dense soils. However, it does prefer a sunny location with well-draining soil. The soil pH can be as liberal as neutral, alkaline, or acidic, with moisture content from average to quite moist.
The hardy, medium-sized plant, with striking 1- to 3-foot (30 to 90 cm) flower spikes, flourishes in USDA hardiness zones 3-8. The Speedwell is tolerant of various conditions but prefers full sun and well-drained soil.
Speedwell can be sown from seed; however, it is more commonly purchased from a nursery, so planting it in the garden can take place right away in spring.
Speedwell plant care is relatively low maintenance. However, to facilitate maximum blooming, removing the faded spikes from Speedwell is advisable, and periodically dividing the plant every few years in the early spring or fall.
See more at How to Grow and Care for Speedwell.
Veronica officinalis is native to Europe and western Asia.
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