Scientific Name
Vitis vinifera L.
Common Name(s)
Common Grape Vine, Grape Vine, Wine Grape, European Grape
Cissus vinifera
Scientific Classification
Color: Yellow, white
Bloom Time: Spring
Vitis vinifera is a liana with stems with flaky bark that can grow up to 35 yards (32 m) in length. Leaves are alternate, palmately lobed, up to 8 inches (20 cm) long with an equal width. Fruits are berries, known as grapes. The wild specimens are up to 0.25 inches (6 mm) in diameter and ripen dark purple to blackish with pale wax bloom. In cultivated plants, they are usually much larger, up to 1.2 inches (3 cm) long, and can be green, red, or purple (black). There are currently 5,000 and 10,000 varieties of Vitis vinifera grapes, though only a few are of commercial significance for wine and table grape production.
The flower buds are formed late in the growing season and overwinter for blooming in the spring of the following year. Flowers are small and grouped in bunches.

How to Grow and Care
Choose a sunny, well-drained position, and dig in plenty of organic matter at planting time, including a good shovelful of compost. Dig the hole large enough for the roots to spread, and backfill with soil and compost, pressing around the area to get rid of air holes. Water well and ensure, with a grafted vine, that the graft union is not below the soil – it should be at least 4 inches (10 cm) above the surface.
In early spring, fertilize with a complete fertilizer to establish the new vine, and repeat each year in spring and summer. Grapevines are well adapted to growing in dry conditions, and a drip-irrigation system will deliver water efficiently and adequately. It is a better method than watering overhead, as this can lead to fungal problems, such as mildew on the leaves and rotting fruit. Regular watering is done from September to January and then withdrawn after the fruit is harvested.
See more at How to Grow and Care for Grapevines (Vitis vinifera).
Vitis vinifera is native to the Mediterranean region, central Europe, and southwestern Asia, from Morocco and Portugal north to southern Germany and east to northern Iran.
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