Scientific Name
Ipomoea quamoclit L.
Common Name(s)
Cypress Vine, Cypressvine Morning Glory, Cardinal Creeper, Cardinal Vine, Star Glory, Hummingbird Vine
Convolvulus pennatifolius, Convolvulus pennatus, Convolvulus quamoclit, Quamoclit pennata, Quamoclit vulgaris, Quamoclit vulgaris var. albiflora
Scientific Classification
Family: Convolvulaceae
Tribe: Ipomoeeae
Genus: Ipomoea
Ipomoea quamoclit is native to tropical regions of the New World and naturalized elsewhere in the tropics.
Color: Red, pink or white
Bloom Time: Summer
Ipomoea quamoclit is an annual or perennial twining vine that grows up to 10 feet (3 m) tall. Leaves are up to 4 inches (10 cm) long, deeply lobed, with 9 to 19 lobes on each side of the leaf.
The flowers are trumpet-shaped with five points, up to 2 inches (5 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter, and can be red, pink, or white.

USDA hardiness zone 6a to 11b: from −10 °F (−23.3 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).
How to Grow and Care
Most species have spectacular, colorful flowers and are often grown as ornamentals, and many cultivars have been developed. In the garden, Ipomoeas need moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Provide shelter from the wind. Prune climbing species in spring. Under glass, provide full light with protection from the hottest sun. Water the plants freely and fertilize monthly during the growing season, but water sparingly in winter. Climbers and trailing species need support. Chip seeds with a knife, scrape with sandpaper, or soak in water for 24 hours before sowing at 64° F (18° C) in spring.
Root softwood cuttings of perennials or shrubs in spring or summer, or take semi-ripe cuttings in summer. White blister, rust, fungal leaf spots, stem rot, thread blight, charcoal rot, and wilt can occur.
See more at How to Grow and Care for Ipomoea.
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