Tillandsia usneoides (Spanish Moss) is an epiphytic flowering plant with one or more slender stems that bear alternate, thin, curved, or…
Browsing: Central America
Datura innoxia (Downy Thorn Aapple) is an annual shrubby plant that grows up to 5 feet (1.5 m) tall. It has elliptic smooth-edged leaves…
Tillandsia ionantha (Sky Plant) is a small evergreen epiphyte with compact rosettes of green and silver-hued leaves, turning to a deeper…
Tillandsia fasciculata (Cardinal Airplant) is a bromeliad, popular because of its large size and grey to grey-green leaves. The plant is…
Plumeria alba (White Frangipani) is a small deciduous tree that grows up to 25 feet (7.6 m) tall. It features fragrant white flowers with…
Columnea gloriosa (Goldfish Plant) is a perennial plant, known for the red long tubular-shaped flowers appearing like leaping fish. It has…
Fuchsia fulgens (Brilliant Fuchsia) is an erect deciduous shrub with large broadly ovate leaves and pendent terminal racemes of flowers…
Plumeria rubra (Frangipani) is a delightful small tree for a garden with a semi-tropical look. It grows as a spreading tree up to 26 feet …
Mimosa pudica (Sensitive Plant) is a creeping annual or perennial herb. The stem is erect in young plants but becomes creeping or trailing …
Ipomoea tricolor (Morning Glory) is an herbaceous annual or perennial twining liana that grows up to 13 feet (4 m) tall. The leaves are …