Oxalis albicans (Radishroot Woodsorrel) is a perennial herb with glaucous and gray-green to yellowish-green leaves that are distinctly…
Browsing: Mexico
Oenothera albicaulis (Whitest Evening Primrose) is an annual plant with an erect stem that grows up to 1.5 feet (45 cm) tall. Basal leaves…
Tillandsia usneoides (Spanish Moss) is an epiphytic flowering plant with one or more slender stems that bear alternate, thin, curved, or…
Lewisia brachycalyx (Short Sepaled Lewisia) is a deciduous perennial growing from a short thick taproot and caudex unit. It produces a…
Ipomoea alba (Moonflower) is a perennial herbaceous liana with twining stems. It grows up to 100 feet (30 m) tall. Leaves are entire or…
Helianthus californicus (California Sunflower) is an erect perennial herb with a thin, up to 10 feet (3 cm) tall stem. Leaves are lance…
Geum canadense (White Avens) is a herbaceous perennial plant with basal leaves with more than three leaflets and arranged in a low rosette…
Tillandsia ionantha (Sky Plant) is a small evergreen epiphyte with compact rosettes of green and silver-hued leaves, turning to a deeper…
Tillandsia fasciculata (Cardinal Airplant) is a bromeliad, popular because of its large size and grey to grey-green leaves. The plant is …
Solidago altissima (Tall Goldenrod) is a perennial wildflower with fine hairs on the stem and leaves located along the stem. It grows up …