Scientific Name
Briza maxima L.
Common Name(s)
Greater Quaking Grass, Great Quaking Grass, Big Quaking Grass, Large Quaking Grass, Blowfly Grass, Rattlesnake Grass, Shelly Grass, Rattle Grass, Shell Grass
Briza capensis, Briza dalmatica, Briza gracilescens, Briza grandis, Briza major, Briza microclada, Briza monspessulana, Briza montana, Briza portenschlagii, Briza pulchella, Briza rubens, Briza rubra, Macrobriza maxima, Poa maxima
Scientific Classification
Family: Poaceae
Subfamily: Pooideae
Genus: Briza
Briza maxima is native to northern Africa, the Azores, western Asia, and southern Europe.
Color: Pale green
Bloom Time: May to August, 12 weeks from spring sowing
Briza maxima is a beautiful annual grass with thin erect stems hung with pale green flowers that look like raindrops as they catch the light. It grows up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall. Its stems are hairless and usually not branched. Leaves are alternately arranged along the stems and tufted together at the base of the plant.

USDA hardiness zone 5b to 10b: from −15 °F (−26.1 °C) to 40 °F (+4.4 °C).
How to Grow and Care
Quaking Grass has no special germination requirements and can be sown at any time of the year to raise plants. As with most grass seeds, this means that seeds can also be sown successfully on open ground in both autumn and spring.
It is a slow-growing grass, so it will take time to establish from seed. Therefore, it is best sown in small quantities to add interest as a minor mixture component, with the main ground cover provided by other companion grass species.
As Quaking Grass is not a very competitive grass, it does require good grassland management (mowing and grazing) to maintain its presence in a mixed sward, particularly on better soils. Neglect or even regular late hay cutting will allow taller grasses the opportunity to outgrow and shade it out. Also, while quaking grass does produce side shoots, it does not spread laterally very much, so it is dependent on self-seeding into gaps created by good management to maintain itself or increase in a mixed sward.
See more at How to Grow and Care for Quaking Grass (Briza).
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