Rhododendron bureavii (Bureau Rhododendron) is a medium-sized evergreen shrub with handsome glossy dark green leaves thickly-felted rusty …
Browsing: Zone 7a
These flowering plants are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 7a. They can tolerate cold down from 0 °F (−17.8 °C) to 5 °F (−15 °C).
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You can also browse flowering plants by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family or Origin.
Alcea rosea (Hollyhock) is a robust, biennial or short-lived perennial with rounded, shallowly-lobed leaves and long erect racemes of open …
Polygonatum biflorum (Smooth Solomon's Seal) is a rhizomatous upright and arching wildflower. It typically grows in a mound on unbranched…
Lilium 'Casa Blanca' (Oriental Lily) is a popular Oriental hybrid lily with pure white flowers with contrasting reddish-brown anthers …
Pieris japonica 'Variegata' (Variegated Japanese Pieris) is a shrub or a small tree that grows up to 13.1 feet (4 m) tall. Leaves are …
Phlomis chrysophylla (Golden-leaved Jerusalem Sage) is a small evergreen shrub with woolly-textured sage-like leaves that turn lime green …
Penstemon palmeri (Palmer's Penstemon) is an erect perennial plant that grows up to 6.6 feet (2 m) tall. Leaves are generally oppositely …
Erigeron glaucus (Seaside Daisy) is a perennial plant with branching, nodding stems that may be glandular and hairy to hairless. It grows …
Lilium 'Star Gazer' (Star Gazer Lily) is a robust lily with racemes of upwards-facing deep pink flowers with paler edges and deeper …
Oxalis griffithii is a perennial plant with rough-textured green leaves and up-facing white flowers. It grows up to 10 inches (25 cm) tall …