Rudbeckia fulgida 'Early Bird Gold' is a compact plant that grows up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall on stiff upright stems clad with dark green …
Browsing: Zone 3b
These flowering plants are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 3b. They can tolerate cold down from −35 °F (−37.2 °C) to −30 °F (−34.4 °C).
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You can also browse flowering plants by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family or Origin.
Lewisia cotyledon (Siskiyou Lewisia) is an evergreen perennial that grows from a thick taproot and caudex unit. It produces a basal …
Tropaeolum majus (Garden Nasturtium) is an annual climber that will scramble over the ground or up support. The stems grow up to 6 feet …
Paeonia brownii (Brown's Peony) is a herbaceous perennial with dark maroon flowers. It grows up to 20 inches (50 cm) tall. Each pinkish…
Veronica serpyllifolia (Thyme-leaved Speedwell) is a perennial flowering plant that grows up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall. Leaves are …
Tulipa sprengeri (Sprenger Tulip) is a bulbous perennial with bright green leaves and solitary goblet-shaped bright red flowers. The stem…
Solidago altissima (Tall Goldenrod) is a perennial wildflower with fine hairs on the stem and leaves located along the stem. It grows up …
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii (Sullivant's Coneflower) is a showy daisy-like perennial with branched stems and long-petioled, ovate …
Alcea rosea 'Nigra' (Black Hollyhock) is a vigorous biennial or short-lived perennial with rounded shallowly-lobed leaves and deep …
Rosa blanda (Smooth Rose) is a thornless or near thornless wild rose that occurs as a colony, forming a shrub that grows up to 3.3 feet…